Friday, September 26, 2008

Sky Watch Friday - Reflecting

Go here to join in!


Totallyscrappy said...

How cool is that?

Dewdrop said...

Reflection shots fascinate me! They really do! Awesome capture!

Carletta said...

What a cool reflection! Well done.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mary said...

Great reflection!!

imac said...

Super reflection

DeniseinVA said...

Great photo!!!

storyteller said...

Wonderful reflective shot!!! My Sky Watch is of BLUE SKIES in So Cal (combined with Haiku Friday as usual) … at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,

HappyK said...

Great relection shot!!

Guy D said...

Fantastic reflection!!!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Deebie: Cool Sky reflection off the building.

Adventure girl said...

Very nice reflection shot! Cool building. Thank you for visiting my site.

Eddie D. said...

nice relfection shot

Quiet Paths said...

Very, very cool.

Anonymous said...

merci du passage et du commentaire

SandyCarlson said...

That's a wonderful reflection on the beautiful sky!

Anonymous said...

cool refelction

Leora said...

Neat! You can see a whole scene in that reflection.

Jules said...

My favourite view of the sky is often when it is reflected in something else!!! This is a great one.

Anonymous said...

Hello Debbie,
That is one thing I like about the modern officebuildings :-) Great shot. Have a nice weekend!

Louise said...

This is just beautiful. Love the building in the reflection.

Anonymous said...

Great reflection.

Arija said...

Oh, very well spotted reflection. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Really creative! Great shot.