Saturday, May 9, 2009

Photo Hunt - In Memory

Photographs and Memories
Just a few of the people who I've loved, lost, and still miss.


Jeanette, my dear friend

Phil, my first father-in-law

Apologies for the photo quality, these are photos of photos since I don't have a scanner.


Anonymous said...

It's good that we're left with photographs for memories :)

Sandy said...

Great memories...

Mine's up,too

RJ Flamingo said...

Sweet post, Debbie - I think it speaks volumes that you didn't choose just one photo of each person. So many memories...

YTSL said...

Really in memory. I think this week's Photo Hunt is one that's really allowed people to remember loved ones, etc. And share the love.

Anonymous said...

I like how you arranged photos in a collage and then photographed them. Great idea - you didn't need a scanner.

Mine's up here:

JyLnC's In Memory

jams o donnell said...

What a wonderful collection of photos. Such treasured memories

Greg C said...

Great memory photos. I may have to play along with this next time.