Friday, June 12, 2009

Photo Hunt - Lock

I'm guessing this isn't where the prompt was leading. It is, however, the first thing that popped into my mind!

But seriously - here is one of the current types of lock at my house.


Anonymous said...

I"m about to become a grandma so I need some of those!

marta said...

Lock is fun theme. Such diverse interpretaions. I don't watch Lost so I thought that was a good and different interpretation. The cabinet lock is also great. Thanks for stopping by.

Dianne said...

You made me smile when I saw 'John Locke'!
I remember those gadgets!

Arlene said...

You got a unique door lock in there. :)

Thanks for visiting mine entry. Happy week-end!

lissa said...

never been a fan of Lost but Locke is right for photohunt and the other one is definitely a useful tool if you have young children

thanks for your visit to my photohunt, I hope you are enjoying your day

Alice Audrey said...

We used to have those all over the place. Didn't do us a lot of good because the kids found ways around them, but at least it bought me enough time to catch up with them.

LOL on Locke.

jams o donnell said...

AH I am sure they are good at keeping little hands at bay. Happy weekend.

I've never gotten into Lost. Perhaps I am missing a treat

srp said...

LOL.... how fun! I am completely lost ... ha... with that show. I was lost after the first episode and it hasn't gotten any better.

These children locks are much easier to attach than the first ones they made back when my daughter was little. She, fortunately, didn't have the inclination to get into the cabinets. Mine is up here.

Katherine said...

I love both of your takes on the theme!
Mine's up:

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Two completely different LOCKS!
Very good!

rdl said...

i remember those days, but ours were on the inside i think.

Ingrid said...

Wow what a lock ! I think it would be hard to break in, lol !

SabineM said...

Funny! :)
Great take on the theme!

Heart of Rachel said...

I remember John Locke but I missed a lot of Lost episodes and wasn't able to follow the series anymore.

Those kind of locks are handy to secure needed areas from young kids.

Lew said...

Good shot of a lock that is very useful when there is a toddler in the house!