This post is late because I spent the morning getting a new cell phone in Dante's first level of hell - otherwise known as the Vrzn store. During the waiting process I determined that I have a love/hate relationship with technology...
love that I can call my friend in Kazakhstan on the phone and talk to her like she is just across town.
hate getting a new cell phone and trying to figure it all out - again!
love that my new phone has a QWERTY keyboard.
hate that you lose your ringtones when you switch phones just so they can charge you for them yet again.
love that the inside screen lets me do a slide show for wallpaper so I can have photos of all the grandbabies.
hate that the screen on the outside is so tiny that the time covers up most of any picture you put on there- I wasn't willing to pay the $30 more for a screen that was larger by half an inch.
love DVD's so you don't have to worry about the "tape" breaking or stretching if you play the same movie over and over.
hate myriad of remotes required to operate the TV, DVD player, surround sound, and Dish.
love my digital camera that lets me know immediately if the picture is good, doesn't waste film, and lets me easily share my photos with you.
hate the rate at which said camera goes through batteries. (Yes, I have rechargables which seem to run down at the same rate whether they are in the camera or out of it. So much for carrying backup batteries.)
love Facebook and connecting with old friends and getting a message from a boy (man) who remembered me as his first kiss in 4th grade!
hate feeling like I have to check Facebook regularly because no one under 40 will pick up the phone to call and tell you something - they just post it.
LOVE that I can have a blog and share what's on my mind and in my world and also learn about you and yours.
here to join Thursday 13.