Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday 13 - Faeries, Sprites & Lights

Here are the 13 little houses we were able to find at the Faeries, Sprites & Lights event. I started with my favorite!

I really liked this one too.

Sorry that last one is a little blurry. Scroll down to the Two for Tuesday post to see a couple more photos from this event.

Go here to join Thursday 13.


Jenny wren's nest said...

Hi Debbie,
I have been making faerie houses out of clay and dried gourds, and have been trying to get a good enough pictures to put on my blog, I am not very good with the camera.I'm in the market for a new camera.

Greg C said...

Very nice Debbie. You did great on the photos. I bet the children love this.

Alice Audrey said...

What fun! I want one.

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

These are deLIGHTful indeed ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

PopArtDiva said...

That looked like a fun event - hunting down fairy houses!! I loved the one all lit up.

My TT this week is 13 Bits of Cocktail Napkin Wit & Wisdom art from my new store!

Happy TT!

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Those are somewhere between charming and utterly wonderful! They're lovely and very cute!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Oh, those are wonderful! I totally wish I'd been able to see them in person. If this is a yearly event, send me some information about it, please! I'd road trip to see that in person.

Shelley Munro said...

I'd like one of those in my garden. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks very creative and fun looking! :)

The Bumbles said...

Oooo - like a scavenger hunt? I like the 3rd one the best - very earthy.

jillconyers said...

Great photos! Although I'm not surprised, I didn't even know there was such an event. What fun :)

Americanising Desi said...

very very nice :)

some really great stuff!!

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