Saturday, July 25, 2009

Photo Hunt - Utensils

Here are some of my favorites.

If you think you see a trend, you're right. My Pampered Chef representative loves me!


Anonymous said...

I need to get one of those choppers and a garlic press, too.

I'd love for you to stop by and see my utensils.

Willa said...

the garlic presser is in my list, I need it!

Alice Audrey said...

Pampered Chef has some of the best stuff. I have a couple of cookie sheets from them. They cost an arm and a leg, but are well worth it.

Unknown said...

I need some of those utensils also.

lissa said...

I'm ashamed to say I do not know how to use any of these utensils or use them at all... but I am glad someone does

- thanks for your visit

Heather S-G said...

I love pampered chef!!!

Unknown said...

you seem to be quite the cook!

Mrs. Mecomber said...

Some of those things I don't recognize! I'm sure they are ALL quite NECESSARY though! ;)

Thanks for visiting my PH today. :)

LifeRamblings said...

love your utensils. mine's up and happy PH!

Anonymous said...

The nut cracker is what I need!! :)

Momisodes said...

Ooh, these look wonderful. I could totally use some of those in my kitchen.

OHMYGUMS said...