Okay, I've figured out that I am better about posting regularly when I have some kind of theme to start my thought processes. Therefore, I'm creating a name for the days of the week that aren't already connected to a meme (is that the right word? I'm so bad at the lingo). So, unless there is something else God puts on my heart or something my little brain or opinionated self just feels compelled to write about, I will have a format to help the mental juices to start flowing which will, hopefully, translate to something worth reading. In addition to the Friday's Feast (which I really enjoy doing) and the Thursday Thirteen (which often taxes my brain so don't be surprised to see a list of 3 with 10 etcs. following) I hope to write the following:
- Manic Mondays= likely a recap of my weekend where I try to fit a weeks worth of stuff to do into two days before I have to go back to work.
- Two for Tuesday= two random topics which may or may not be related to each other.
- Why Not Wednesday=this is mostly a self indulgent way to navel gaze and figure out why I don't do the things I want to or think I should.
Realistically weekend posts will be few and far between (refer to Manic Mondays description).
The "two" for this week is related and is a big thanks to my friend Linda at 2nd-cup-of-coffee for all her encouragement and for this award she honored me with:
She is my motivator and a way better writer than I will ever be. If you didn't end up on my blog because of her do yourself a favor and check her out.
Hi Debbie~~~I miss you! :) Just wanted to let you know you're doing a wonderful job with your blog, and I like your new theme idea! Let's get together soon~~~
Miss you too. What are you guys doing this weekend?
Why doesn't anyone miss ME?? :)
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