Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photo Hunt - Hands

A different kind of helping hands...


jenny said...

I am not sure what they're for, though . . .
Being in a place that stays warm most of the time, I'd guess they're for something snow or cold related, being from Alaska! They look like bearclaws.

Very different! Thanks. :-)

Mojo said...

Backscratchers? I give up, what?

Besides an interesting photo I mean.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

These are salad hands/claws.

I got them when we visited Alaska as a keepsake but we've found them extremely useful. They seem to be just the right size to fill a salad bowl in one scoop - or hand full as the case may be.

Alice Audrey said...

They remind me of the "bear claw" tools I use to get the turkey out of the pan and onto the platter.

LifeRamblings said...

what a creative take for the theme.

happy weekend.

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Thanks for stopping by. It's good to see ya back around. :)

I love these hands. Very clever.

jams o donnell said...

Great take on the theme!

srp said...

Don't they use those to get roasts or other large pieces of meat out of a crock pot or roaster? I suppose salad as well. Great shot! Mine is up here.

Anonymous said...

Very creative interpretation of this week's theme.

Thank you for stopping by, my sister in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Looking really interesting, these hands look a little like forks :)
I wonder what are the uses for it.

Brita said...

Great choise for the theme.
Thanks for visiting too.

Lisa C. said...

this is a great picture

Greg C said...

Those must be bear claw back scratchers. Am I right?

And you can use them on salads too, lol

Beverlydru said...

Hi Debbie,
I have some of those from Alaska and they work great! I sue them all the time. Thanks for stopping by my blog to give 30 x5 encouragement. I am wogging for 30 minutes (my brand of fast walking alternated with jogging) and then when I get home I do sit-ups and push ups.
My favorite exercise is not so physical....

There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
~ John Andrew Holmes

Anonymous said...

You idiots. They are for salad. They're called salad claws. Hahahaha. Very funny.