Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Now that's something you don't see every day...


Anonymous said...

What is that? Def a photo I have never seen before! Happy WW!

Read my WW:

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Brandy, They are building a water tower so this is the bottom part with a crane inside it to build the top.

Anonymous said...

oh that's cool!

Anonymous said...

Fun pics, we had one built recently near us but they just went slowly (very slowly, it took months) up the sides until it was closed up:)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

That IS cool. I remember wathing our city's new water tower be built through the window of the art classroom in 9th grade. ;-)

Needless to say that bad boy's been painted a time or two since then!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm thinking its an oil well.

Marianna said...

cool. happy ww!

Mojo said...

I'd have to agree. Not a common sight at all. Very "crane-ial"!

Indrani said...

Yes, a rare sight!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

I'm going what's that crane thingy and DH (a builder) says it 's still under construction. Trust a guy to know :) Happy WW

Anonymous said...

A water tank high up there against the sky! :)